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Hello O2,

I recently wanted to change mobile providers and had made plans to cancel my contract with o2.  When I had signed up for my original contract, the employee at the store explained that I had a 2 year contract, and afterwards the contract would run month to month and I could cancel on a monthly basis.  

When I went to cancel my plan, I found out this is not the case, and that the contract kept getting renewed for one year increments. This is the first I have learned of this, so obviously I feel lied to by the employee who originally sold me the contract, and taken advantage of for my poor understand of german at the time I got the contract (which means I couldn't properly understand the terms and conditions).

I have tried to end my contract this month using the support phone number, but essentially got told the phone support could not do so, and then yelled at for not understand the contract (which I was lied to about, and had difficulty understanding as a new comer). I hope there is someone I can talk to here that can help me cancel my contract this month or next, and just in general some some more compassion.

Best Wishes,


Hello patdogma,

as I see you already talked to the customer support and they made the cancellation for you.

Your phone number with the 97 at the end will get deactivated at the 08.08.2017. ☺️

One thing I want to say-

when two people are talking different languages, and both are not good in English or anything, there can be misunderstandings for sure. If that guy you made the contract with only talked German, or bad English, it can lead to that. You also could have misunderstood something.

Just wanted to say that it doesn't always have to be a lie at the first place.

Good that everything worked now!

Kind regards,

Jessica ☺️

Hi Jessica,

I would not say that everything worked out. The purpose of my message was to say that I wanted to cancel my mobile plan this month, not in August, and that was not possible to due to me being in a one year contract that was not properly explained to me.  Now, I can't be sure what the employee was aiming for when I was led to believe that could cancel my plan on a monthly basis.  I am willing to accept that is was just a misunderstanding, if o2 could show some understanding for the situation and let me cancel my contract earlier as I was told I could. 

Thanks and I hope we can work everything out!

Hello @patdogma ,

I´m afraid we can´t do that.

There are 2 types of contracts: The ones which you can cancel every month, and the ones that´ll last at least 24 months. After those 2 years, the contract will continue for 12 months, if no cancellation is being spoken out until the 21 month. This process will continue up to the point where you or we cancel the contract.

The contract has been made more than 3 years ago, and during that time all the Contract Infomation has been available for you in you "Mein o2" Section. Also, you must have signed documents with which you agreed to our terms and conditions. Those also include the rules regarding contract lenght.

Even with the misunsterstanding, all I can point to are the signed documents (because I don´t think the Man or Woman in the Shop can remember you after all these years) and those don´t justify an earlier deactivation of the contract.

Kind regards,


Hello Kurt,

I'm sorry to hear that there can't be any flexibility on ending the contract early, even in this case where I was mis-informed with misleading sales information.  I understand that I am responsible for what is in the contract, but it seems like there could be some genuine effort on the part of O2 to remedy this unfortunate situation, rather than implying that it's my fault for not understanding German when I first arrived here and  trusting the employee who I purchased my plan from.

Anyway, I'll be sure to make my views on the matter heard within my network of international students, and through social media. 

Best Regards,


Hallo @patdogma,

unfortunately I can add nothing that hasn't been said already. Your contract will be terminated in August, we do not have the possibility to deactivate your contract to an earlier date.



Hello Lars, 

Could you please send a written confirmation of my contract being terminated.  I recently updated my contact information including my address and I am afraid that the original letter may have been sent to the previous address.



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