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Hi! I am receiving email requesting me for my payment of my last invoice (contract termination). However, I already paid my bill to a different bank account found on the website. How can I send my bank transfer confirmation?
Hello @LuanaMB and welcome to the community! ☺️

Which bank details did you use for your payment?

On which date you transferred the money?

As purpose you used your "Kundennummer"?


Transfer UST-ID: DE290735643

Made on 20.06.2019

Sent to:

Telefonica Germany GmbH + Co. OHG



Reference text: Kd-Nr.:persönliche Daten entfernt , Rg-Nr.: persönliche Daten entfernt Ihre Tarifrechnung

Edit by o2_Bianca

Dear @LuanaMB ,

this IBAN belongs not to Telefonica. I am sorry.

Please transfer the acive debt to:

Empfänger: Telefónica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG

Bank: HYPO Vereinsbank AG

IBAN: DE16 7002 0270 0005 7131 53


kind regards,


Deine Antwort