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Hi - in July I finally managed to get my DSL. So many problems with that, some O2 staff totally incompetent and now I got the invoice for cca 33 EUR (monthly fee) + 93 EUR (others...). In the same time 65 EUR discount..... To be honest I signed this contract as the O2 Zeil store manager told me that - as a long time O2 client - I will pay 10 EUR month. So I am really confused about this invoice??????!!!???
Maybe you should ask that "O2 Zeil store manager" about it. There is no o2 DSL product for 10 EUR/month. See the price list.
Hi @LukasKu,

your invoice combines both your mobile contracts as well as your dsl contract.

Because this is the first invoice that covers your active dsl connection, there is both a one-time connection charge for the router HomeBox2 and one for the dsl connection.

The connection charge for the router is discounted ("100% Rabatt auf Anschlusspreis DSL-Router"), and the discounts for your regular dsl connection are also listed.

So starting with your next invoice, all the one-time charges will be over and you will in fact pay 10 EUR per month for your dsl contract thanks to the "Kombi-Vorteil" and an additional discount.

Best reagrds,

Hi Jan - it’s already good to know. But after checking everything now again, maybe would be good also to say that at least one of the discounts is just for 1 year and not both years?
Hi @LukasKu,

that's a good addition; I wanted to express the difference between the first month with its intial fees that occur when you begin a new contract, and the regular months following it.

But you're right, it is in fact 10 EUR for the Kombi-Vorteil which lasts for 24 months and the 12-month discount of 10 EUR because it's a new contract.

Best regards,

Not sure why @o2_Flo closed my other question, but OK.... Let’s ask here the same: can someone from o2 tell/remind me when and how I signed for the “partner sim card” attached to my mobile contract for 9,99 EUR/month??? I terminated the contract now, but I said many times and lot of months ago that for me any second card is useless as my family lives out of Germany and if necessary, I use my mobile as a hotspot. SO I DID NOT WANT IT.... Now I see you started the simcard anyway. So I have been paying 9,99/month without having the sim card and without any need to use this sim card???? Seriously?
Dear @LukasKu ,

the contract for the number xxx158 started on December 13th 2017. The contract was accepted in a o2 shop in Düsseldorf. As it is a shop contract the only way to revoke it was to go to that shop or to cancel it on the usual way after two years by fax or mail.

Kind regards,

Dear Andrea? Excuse me? I was never in O2 Store in Düsseldorf to discuss anything about the contract. I never wanted this card as I have just 1 phone and I don’t need it. On top - always when I asked about my contract in some other O2 store, I was always told to better visit the store where I have signed my contract (which in this case was Berlin in that time). So I have no idea who signed this contract on my behalf, but I find it a bit suspicious..... I even told many times to your O2 helpdesk who were disturbing me during my working hours that I don’t need any additional card..... At least the contract is now successfully terminated, but still I have had to pay 9,99 EUR every month for 2 years for something what I have never used. Very weird!!!
Dear @LukasKu ,

the name of the shop is o2 Shop Berlin, but the address in our system for it is Düsseldorf, so I thought it is placed in Düsseldorf. When you were in Berlin at the time, I think it is the one there. Sorry.

Kind regards,

Sorry Andrea, but this is really really weird and suspicious for me. And very disappointing about the o2 service after the last months of struggle with your DSL colleagues, who were totally not competent. Until April I haven’t thought of any problem with my mobile contract. But now - again - this story with the partner card is weird. And i want to ask O2 to send me any signed proof that I - Lukas Kucera - really signed this contract. I can not find anything in my records. And always when someone from O2 called me, I said that I am not interested in this card!!!!
And sorry - I am getting more and more allergy to some things in your accounting.... Last week I complained about the fact that I haven’t requested the O2 TV in my DSL. Your colleague at the o2 Store in Frankfurt Zeil told me that this was just a promotion that I got when I signed the contract, I don’t pay anything for it and my monthly amount for dSL will be 10 EUR/month for the first year. Now I see in my invoice, that already the net amount is 17 EUR, because you charge me this O2 TV.... Do I really have to check every single invoice from O2 now to see if you charge me anything without being agreed?
Dear @LukasKu ,

you received an Email from us on June 17th with the attachment "Ihr o2 DSL-Auftrag". Inside this attachment you find the details of your contract. There you find the following passage:

"o2 TV L DSL for 9.99 € / month is free of charge for the first time booking 1 month. Customers with

following tariffs receive 5 € discount on the monthly basic price of o2 TV L, as long as

such a tariff exists: o2 my Home XL / L and o2 my Office XL / L."

You received the full discount for the first month in your bill from July 22nd an August 21st. If you didn't want o2 TV you could have quit it at any time. o2 TV was mentioned in the email to your DSL order and in your bill.

The problem with shops is, that you have no cancellation right, because you sign the contracts there. 😕

I can see that the o2 Shop Frankfurt cancelled o2 TV for you on August 14th.

And yes, you get these contract notes, to check them for everything is as agreed. And you should check every single invoice, to confirm that the amount is correct.

And this is the Tarifinfomail we sent to your emailaddress as verification of that contract of whom you never heard before:

Kind regards,

Concerning the O2 TV: it’s OK, I already cancelled it and got the discount from your colleague as she said it was really charged in the invoice for mid July-mid august.

Concerning the Partner card: so first you told me that I signed the contract for this in your store in Düsseldorf, even though I said many times that I have no interest in it. Then you said it was actually in your store in Berlin, but the store has in fact the address in Düsseldorf. Now you tell me that I got the confirmation via email, but you still haven’t sent me anything to prove that I really signed the contract. And have you actually thought of the situation that some of your emails ended up in my spam box or haven’t been delivered? But you are correct - I really have to check carefully all the future invoices from O2, as there are more and more unbelievable mistakes.....
Dear @LukasKu ,

as I explained, I thought the shop was placed in Düsseldorf because of the address. In the meantime I found out, that it seems that all o2 Stores have this address in Dusseldorf in our system. I didn't know that before. Therefore I gave you that wrong information. But nonetheless, the singned contract for that number xxx158 is in our system and made a ticket, to send you a copy to your contact address.

Kind regards,


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