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Hello! I am having an 02 phone and internet connection which will terminate beginning of next year. in few months I will move from my current location but within Germany. On the other-hand I am not satisfied with its service and internet connection. Is it possible to terminate the contract before its actual time? Can moving to another city be an option for that? What should I do in this case?

Thanks a lot in advance!
Hi @Asif_rhine,

thanks for your request.

Is it concerning a DSL-contract?

Normally, a move to another city within Germany is no reason to terminate your DSL-contract before the end of your duration.

Do you already know that you will not have a good internet-connection in the new city? You can check your DSL-connectivity here:

Everything you need to know concerning a DSL-move, you find here:

I hope I could help you with this information.

Loving greetings,

Hi @Asif_rhine,

thanks for your request.

Is it concerning a DSL-contract?

Normally, a move to another city within Germany is no reason to terminate your DSL-contract before the end of your duration.

Do you already know that you will not have a good internet-connection in the new city? You can check your DSL-connectivity here:

Everything you need to know concerning a DSL-move, you find here:

I hope I could help you with this information.

Loving greetings,


Dear Tobias,

thanks a lot!

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