Warum O2

O2 Mobile internet frequently works as GPRS Edge data mode and most of the time it is choppy network

During my work hours I seldom
look at my mobile but when i really want to use the
internet data connection the speed shows it's connected to EDGE or
2G GPRS mode than going out after it switches back to 4G.
even while in train to my home the network is choppy very
bad situation, I never expected this
require is my office is next to highway and i sit near window
is the reason that the signal is not low.
only I think the crap that choppy network that O2 has that is causing this.
may be O2 can start monitoring my connection status how long it is in 2G
mode and how long it is in LTE mode automatically switching to 2G all time

8 Antworten

Hi @kalvacherla,

you can check the general network coverage here.
If there's an intereference at your local environment you can check this by entering your address here.

Best regards,
The network coverage I check by clicking on the general network coverage link and you should be providing 4G network LTE with promised speed in the area 47798 and also 47807 .

Can you send me your legal consent of providing 4G to a customer that says if there is network coverage and still if I am not being provided the speed what will be the consequence .
Hi @kalvacherla,

in the area of both the postal codes you provided, there is currently maintenance work being done at two of the base stations.
That affects the LTE coverage in parts of those areas, and consequently this puts an extra strain on the other bandwidths still working, thus the overall coverage can be limited.

You can give feedback on the Netzstörung page by clicking on the "Ich stimme nicht zu" (I don't agree) button to let us know where exactly you experience the substandard coverage.

Best regards,
Wow is this maintanance work being carried out from 6 months time , I have been experiancing this problem from July the day I took this package with O2.
There is really something wrong going on with O2.
Fix this immediatly . Or refund my money till you fix this problem . I pay 45 euro monthly for this crap and choppy network .
You promised me 4G LTE when I entered the contract with O2, I am even unable to get 3G speeds .
Send me O2 legal document that your promised me to provide 4G LTE speeds .
I do not agree with what ever answers you provide that maintanace work is happening from last 6 months .
Send me list of all the postal codes where there are maintance going on with O2 network . I think your people are doing something wrong by not obeying to the legal agreement of not providing 4G LTE speed .
I will report this issue to The Federal Network Agency (German: Bundesnetzagentur or BNetzA) is the German regulatory office for electricity, gas, telecommunications, post and railway markets. It is a federal government agency of the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology and headquartered in Bonn, Germany.

place mobile antenna repeaters in this area
With network integration, we are pursuing a clear goal: Telefónica Deutschland's new joint mobile network will use the best locations and improve the quality of care. We will successfully complete the network integration by the end of 2018. The resulting improvements in network performance will directly benefit our customers. In the end, an optimal network infrastructure will be available that is consistently geared towards the benefit for our customers. In 2019, the final optimization and secondary measures may follow, such as the dismantling of superfluous or duplicate stations.

O2 should have fixed all the problems mentioned by end of 2018 .
We are now in 2019 make this immediatly or face Federal Network Agency
It would be like cheating customer by fake promise while enterig the contract of O2 4G LTE and you keep on working for 6 months for giving promised speed I think I will report this to Federal Network Agency
Dear @kalvacherla,

I have checked that 2 of your cards occasionally get LTE, and one has been in the UMTS range for a while.
You may also check the options on your phone: One thing that can help if a phone has difficulties connecting to LTE is to specifically let it connect to 3G on purpose, and then let it reconnect automatically. That way, the phone will switch back to finding LTE again if LTE is available.

Other than that, it could also be that the building your office is in is well-designed and keeps the mobile coverage out.

Best regards,
2 of your cards occasionally get LTE, and one has been in the UMTS range for a while.
why is the UMTS range we are still in same 47798 and 47807 .

Sorry you have only taken the mode of 4G LTE not available and switching to UMTS , I am using mobile data from 10 years I understand technical details and when the data is choking on 2G , 3G and 4G LTE networks . when I am inside the building , that is totally different scenario you have to answer when I am in bus or when I am in SWK Bahn to my home from 47807 to 47798 the distance is 6KM route there is data choking , not once it is happening all the time .

I am not talking about just this scenario I am talking all the times the internet is not 4G LTE speed . For last 6 months there are every day calls that I make on WHATSAPP voice call and the packets get lost or the entire connection gets disconnected worse than 2G UMTS .

Can you keep a datalog on my entire 5 cards that are active for next 6 months along with my DSL connection also .

I did this for last 6 months and wha the O2 promised speed of 4G LTE is not acheived , O2 mobile network is playing some weired tricks and not providing speeds upto 4G LTE .

Even when the mobile shows it is in 4G LTE mode the data choking is happening not able to reach server is shown some times , most of the times WHATSAPP audio calls gets hang or disconnected while speaking packets are lost multiple issues.

Germany: New Law Allows Consumer Class Actions

(July 31, 2018) On July 17, 2018, a new law to allow consumer class actions (“model declaratory proceedings”) was published in Germany’s Federal Law Gazette. The Act will enter into force on November 1, 2018. (Gesetz zur Einführung einer zivilprozessualen Musterfeststellungsklage [Act to Introduce Civil Model Declaratory Proceedings], July 12, 2018, Bundesgesetzblatt [BGBl.] [FEDERAL LAW GAZETTE] I at 1151.)
Qualified Institutions to Bring Class Actions
The Act authorizes certain qualified institutions to sue a company on behalf of consumers at the Higher Regional Court (Oberlandesgericht OLG). “Qualified institutions” are defined as institutions that are qualified according to the German Act on Injunctive Relief (UKlaG) to bring representative actions on behalf of consumers and that
  • are composed of at least ten other consumer protection associations or at least 350 natural persons;
  • have been on the list of associations qualified to bring an action under § 4 of the UKlaG or the list of the European Commission for entities qualified to bring an action under article 2 of Directive 2009/22/EC on injunctions for the protection of consumers’ interests for at least four years;
  • in execution of their statutory tasks generally protect consumer interests on a nonprofit basis by carrying out educational or advisory tasks;
  • do not bring model declaratory proceedings for profit; and
  • do not receive more than 5% of their financial resources from businesses.
The Act contains a nonrebuttable presumption that consumer associations that are mainly publicly funded fulfill the aforementioned requirements. (Act to Introduce Civil Model Declaratory Proceedings art. 2, no. 5, § 606, para. 1; Unterlassungsklagengesetz [UKlaG] [Act on Injunctive Relief], Aug. 27, 2002, BGBl. I at 3422, 4346, as amended, German Laws Online website; Notification from the Commission Concerning Article 4(3) of Directive 2009/22/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on Injunctions for the Protection of Consumers’ Interests, Which Codifies Directive 98/27/EC, Concerning the Entities Qualified to Bring an Action Under Article 2 of this Directive, 2016 O.J. (C 361) 1, EUR-LEX website.)
Admissibility of Consumer Class Actions
The qualified institutions must show that at least ten consumers are affected by the allegations made in the lawsuit. Furthermore, at least fifty consumers must register their claims in the to-be-established claims register for model declaratory proceedings within two months after it has been publicly announced in the claims register that a model declaratory proceeding has been filed. (Act to Introduce Civil Model Declaratory Proceedings art. 2, no. 5, § 606, para. 3.) Other consumers may join the model declaratory proceedings until the end of the day for which the first court date has been set. (Id. art. 2, no. 5, § 608, para. 1.)
From the day that the model declaratory proceeding is pending, no other action may be filed against the same defendant in the same matter. If several actions on the same matter are filed the same day, the court will join the cases. As long as a model declaratory proceeding is pending, individual consumers that registered their claims are enjoined from filing a separate lawsuit against the defendant concerning the same subject matter. (Id. art. 2, no. 5, § 610.)
End of Proceedings
Model declaratory proceedings end either with a settlement or a declaratory judgment. (Id. art. 2, no. 5, §§ 611-613.) Settlements become binding when they are approved by the court and when less than 30% of the registered consumers withdraw from the settlement within the one-month time frame. (Id. art. 2, no. 5, § 610.) A declaratory judgment can be appealed within one month to the Federal Court of Justice (Bundesgerichtshof, BGH). (Id. art. 2, no. 5, § 614.)
The German Federal Minister of Justice, Katarina Barley, commented that “[w]hoever is in the right must win his case. The introduction of the ‘one for all lawsuit’ strengthens consumers […] and helps them enforce their rights – for free and fast. […] Examples [include] the Diesel scandal […]. [The ‘one for all lawsuit’] contributes to a democratization of our legal system and strengthens trust in the rule of law.” (Press Release, Bundesministerium der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz [Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection], Die „Eine-für-Alle-Klage“ kommt – Bundestag beschließt Gesetz zur Musterfeststellungsklage (MFK) [The “One for All Lawsuit” Is Coming – Parliament Approves Act on a Model Declaratory Proceeding] (June 14, 2018), Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection website (translation by author).)
The Federal Association of Consumer Associations (Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband, VZBV) generally welcomed the introduction of model consumer class actions as a “milestone for consumer rights.” However, the VZBV criticized the fact that the requirements for qualified institutions prohibit smaller regional or specialized institutions from filing suits on behalf of consumers, among other things. (Press Release, Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband [Federal Association of Consumer Associations], Musterfeststellungsklage verabschiedet [Model Declaratory Proceeding Approved] (June 14, 2018), Federal Association of Consumer Associations website.)


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