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I have concluded an o2 my Home M contract in a store today 30.10.2023. The contract was supposed to take effect by the end of my current internet contract (22.11.2024). However, I just received an e-mail stating that the activation date will be on 22.11.2023. Which is not possible for me as I can not cancel my older contract (engagement period). I called the English hotline but they refer me to German speakers technicians. I asked for my activation date to be corrected for 2024 as initially asked.
How can I fix this issue, please?
Thank you.

01.11.2023 09:25 o2_Katja: verschoben aus Mobilfunkvertrag

Hello @nawelgnd,

welcome to our o2 Community 😀

I just took a look at your case. The change of provider is always negotiated between the two, old and new provider. Your old provider confirmed November 22nd, 2023 to us. Can you possibly have it checked again to see whether your contract really runs for another year?

Best regards


Hello @nawelgnd,

welcome to our o2 Community 😀

I just took a look at your case. The change of provider is always negotiated between the two, old and new provider. Your old provider confirmed November 22nd, 2023 to us. Can you possibly have it checked again to see whether your contract really runs for another year?

Best regards


Thank you for the answer. I just checked on my account and I called my current provider who confirmed that my current contract is still running until the 22.11.2024. How can this be fixed, please?
Thank you.

Hello @nawelgnd,

welcome to our o2 Community 😀

I just took a look at your case. The change of provider is always negotiated between the two, old and new provider. Your old provider confirmed November 22nd, 2023 to us. Can you possibly have it checked again to see whether your contract really runs for another year?

Best regards


Thank you for the answer. I just checked on my account and I called my current provider who confirmed that my current contract is still running until the 22.11.2024. How can this be fixed, please?
Thank you.

Hello @nawelgnd,

I have informed our activation team to check again with your old provider and to change the activation date if necessary.

You will be informed again by email.

Best regards


Hello @nawelgnd,

I have informed our activation team to check again with your old provider and to change the activation date if necessary.

You will be informed again by email.

Best regards


Thank you for the support. I am waiting for the e-mail.

Kind regards

Hello @nawelgnd,

I have informed our activation team to check again with your old provider and to change the activation date if necessary.

You will be informed again by email.

Best regards


Kind reminder. I did not receive any update and this situation is extremely stressful to me. I would like to receive the confirmation that O2 will not cancel my contract with my current provider if it includes fees. Paying 2 subscriptions simulatenously because the date I asked for was 22.11.2024 and not 22.11.2023 would be really unfair and not manageable for me.
I hope you understand my position.

Best regards

Hello @nawelgnd ,

two contracts can’t run on the same line, so that wouldn’t have happened. From what I can see you’ve withdrawn from cancelling your old contract though and as such the activation on our end has also been stopped. You should have also received this information already in writing.


Kind regards, Sven

Hello @nawelgnd ,

two contracts can’t run on the same line, so that wouldn’t have happened. From what I can see you’ve withdrawn from cancelling your old contract though and as such the activation on our end has also been stopped. You should have also received this information already in writing.


Kind regards, Sven

Yes, indeed 2 contracts can not run at the same time, but as you also may know canceling a contract during an engagement period results in paying the rest of the monthly payments for that same engagement period. Thankfully, that situation was solved.
Thank you for the update.

Best regards

Hello @nawelgnd,

thank you for your reply.

I hope that everything has now been resolved to your satisfaction and I would be happy if you switched your landline connection to us at a later date.

Please let us know if you have any further questions.

Best regards


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