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Hello O2;


I got the service/package my Home M (2020) LTE] since one year ago and now i rented a new apartment and i need to switch or move the service/package gmy Home M (2020) LTE] to the new apartment but i need to have a DSL or Fixed Internet Line at my new place.

I have checked already with the o2 shop earlier last week but they informed me to contact the o2 support to perform this service, to move and switch the service from rmy Home M (2020) LTE] to DSL.


How i can do this? i can do it only by calling the o2 Hotline? or is there any email for the support to raise this request?


Please note that i cannot speak good Deutsch yet, so i can call the o2 Hotline but they can speak with me in English?


Hope you can clarify this issue.


Best Regards.

09.11.2023 08:49 o2_Katja: verschoben aus o2 my Home

Hello @ahmadbasselalshalah,

Call the English-speaking hotline.

Best regards

Welcome to the community @ahmadbasselalshalah.

Vilurref had already mentioned our English-language service hotline.

Were you able to reach our colleagues there? And if so, how did the conversation go?

Were they able to initiate a change or anything similar for you? Or do you still need further assistance from our side?

Kind regards


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