Warum O2

Please enable caller ID.

Benutzerebene 1

Please enable caller ID for my DSL landline number (Kundennummer: XXXXXXXXXX)
So that people can see my number(089 - *****517) when they receive my calls.
Actually I would prefer if this is an opt-out feature, not an opt-in.
Why would you block caller-ID for new connections?

Kundennummer: 60xxxxxxx8

Kundennummer anonymisiert


Lösung von o2_Lars 19 January 2021, 13:26

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6 Antworten

currently it is a technical error not a feature. I activated the caller ID for you.

We are working for a solution to set it up in your online account.

KR Manga

Hi  I have new connection and I am not able to find how to enable my caller ID such that people whom I call could identify my numbet

Hi @Nish 

Welcome to our o2 community. 

We have enabled the caller ID, so from now on people whom you call wil see your fixed line number.

Best Regards Matze 


Please enable caller ID so people can see my number when they receive my calls. Whichever informations would you need tell me :)   Thanks

Benutzerebene 7
Abzeichen +1

You can submit your change request by yourself via "Mein o2":

Deine Rufnummernanzeige für O₂ DSL verwalten - So geht´s

Benutzerebene 7

Hello everybody :-)

Now and then the questions comes up how to enable your caller ID on your o2 DSL landline connetiction.

Under some circumstances this may also be affected by settings in the phone or on the used router so please have a look there also.

If you checked and all settings in phone and router are set to show your caller ID if may be surpressed by a setting on our side.

Luckily you canchange this setting your self. We wrote a little explanation how to enable your caller ID in the Mein o2 area on our online portal.



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