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I cancelled my contract on 5/5/14 and you are still charging me for it!!
Hello Fle,

do you have canceled in cancellation period?

Otherwise your contract extend 1 year.

Is 5/5/14 the termination date or the day you send cancellation?
I had the contract over 2 years, then upgraded the contract online.

02 then charged me for 2 contracts. I called and cancelled the old one on the 5.5.14 and the customer service worker said I have to pay for 4 more months.
Hi Fle, 

you didn't upgrade your first contract, you purchased a second one. 


Since the first contract had a minimum contract duration of 24 months, and you didn't cancel the contract within the cancellation period (3 months before the minimum contract duration ends), it has been automatically extended for 12 Months. After we received your cancellation in May this year we cancelled this contract on November 1st 2014. 

You did get one more bill with a partial billing of the basic fee until the cancellation date. This is the last bill for this contract. 


If you wish to extend or upgrade your new and currently active contract after the minimum contract duration has expired (which will be in May 2016) please contact us here or call our customer support.

We will gladly assist you then. ☺️


